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Blessing Curriculum: Level Two: Preparing for Marriage

Blessing Curriculum: Level Two: Preparing for Marriage

$ 60.00

Curriculum Package

The curriculum is intended for use by pastors, ministry leaders and all those who wish to host a Level 2 Blessing Education Workshop for members of their local Unification Church community.  Attendees will learn how they can begin the Blessing matching process in the Unification tradition.  Level 2 begins with the questions: “How prepared am I?” and “What am I bringing to the table?” It deepens participants’ understanding of healthy relationships, and introduces the value of lineage. It explores the meaning and value of True Parents’ lineage and their legacy. It introduces the matching handbooks and provides clear, step-by-step guidance for beginning and following through with the matching process successfully. Individuals must complete Level 2 Blessing Education in order to become a qualified Matching Candidate and receive the Marriage Blessing.

It contains everything needed to host a workshop. The Instructor’s Manual contains information on how to organize a workshop, guidelines for presenting, presenter scripts for each presentation, instructions on how to use the slides, participant worksheets, and supplementary articles.   

In the Box

  • Hard copy Instructor’s Manual, with instructions
  • 6 ready-to-use presentations and videos on disk
  • complete scripts
  • Worksheets for copying
  • Copy of the Family Matching Handbook
  • Copy of the Finding the One Handbook


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